The fit: JULES is a top in a G&M floral print, which offers a retro-chic blouse effect. This piece has short tulip sleeves and a V-neckline, revealing a front yoke with a small gathered flounce. With its composition, this top joins our ""Un Brin de Vert"" range.
The silhouette: Urban and country at the same time, this durable piece brings a sparkling and playful look to our silhouette. The look is both fashionable and retro as we like.
We like to wear it with : jeans to reinforce this ""Parisian chic"" touch, or flowing trousers for a bohemian and romantic look.
Sizing advice : Normal size. Take your usual size. Our model is 1m73 tall, has a waist measurement of 65 cm, a hip measurement of 90 cm and wears a size S. Available in XS."
- 100% Viscose